Friday, May 22


ari ni aku bgn pukul 6 utk semayang subuh....aku rase lain....takde kerisauan yg selalu berselirat kat otak...yg ajaibnya...tak rasa mengantuk....aku pon mula berfikir...kenape?????jwpnnya....cek aku dah ade la duit sikit...aku dah bayar duit irna and kak zi yg aku pakai...aku dah isi minyak moto smpi penuh...maybe bleh tahan smpi hujung minggu depan...aku bersyukur sgt kpd ALLAH kerana memudahkan perjalanan hidup aku...baru ku sedar atas segala dugaan dan cabaran yg ALLAH berikan...ada hikmah disebaliknya...yet i couldn't find a way to manage my financial...tak taula time byk duit mesti rasa lapar memanjang...nafsu...kalo takde duit...tak makan takde rasa pape...time tu la br nak ingat kat tuhan...tmpt kite mengadu time time senang.......HARAM....nak baca doa makan pon tak sempat....aku berharap sgt kesedaran yg temui ni berkekalan...jgn aku tinggalkan jln hidup yg btol ni...kehidupan aku yg tersusun time praktikal ni aku nak jadikan rutin hidup aku smpi bile2....nasib baik staf kat sini jagala waktu solat...maklumla sume dah aku senang utk meneruskan kehidupan yang diredhai ni...

pengajarannya....dalam hidup ni kita kene beringat....sentiasa mentaati perintah ALLAH... menjaga hubungan antara makhluk...dan jangan membazir (amalan syaitan)....lgpun matlamat hidup setiap insan tu tak lain dari mencari keredhaan ILLAHI...jadi lakukanlah...

Thursday, May 21

Dengki+Khianat+Iri Hati=JEALOUS

benda ni sume manusia ade termasukla aku...but for me i still can control those feeling... kadang2 aku rase yg lain dpt lebih dr aku sedangkan aku yg bersusah payah kene usaha ...for example, aku study takde la bersungguh sgt tp memang aku concentrate bile result kuar...not bad... tp bile dpt offer msk u....dpt same course dgn bdk yg study light2 and result cukup makan... but still kat u aku kawan baik dgn bdk tu and tlg la jugak die dlm study but stil die tak nak usaha nak majukan diri...bile menari pulak...sentiasa aku yg salah eventhough aku buat yg paling btol...nak buat mcm mane penari yg lain sume jantan and me...just cukup makan je...sedangkan sesetengah dancers lain memang tak bleh menari lgsg... but stil koreografer tu suke...tak tau la ape yg die nak...but stil aku g menari walaupun aku tau...aku takkan maju ke tahap yg lg tinggi kat situ and still aku tolg koreografer tu in certain area and he takes the credit...lg atu benda...kawan2...kadang2 tak paham...aku ade sorang kawan kononnye berlaki...aku tak kisah...lantak p jgn la smpi menyusahkan org lain...bile nak pinjam moto kat aku...aku kalo 10 kali die mintak sekali aku tak bg...die kate aku jahat...jealous kat die yg bahagia...memang tak sedar diri...padahal jntn tu cume nak kikis duit die...die keje penat2 duit bg kat jntn...itu yg die kate jntn tu syg kat die????die dpt gaji jntn tu suruh die belikan handphone and streamyx....itu yg die kate jntn tu caring????kerana jntn tu die pakse mak die belikan moto????itu yg die kate die baik....sorryla...kalo mcm tu aku pon bleh kate aku terlampau baik utk idup berkawan dgn die....

life can be competitive but if others won't help or defeat us then it's not right for us to blame them for being jealous because sometimes we have to endure all the obstacles ourselves and still make friend with those people therefore we can control the feeling and INSYA'ALLAH we'll be fine.....because ALLAH is where we should seek for help and ALLAH will never abandon his slave..

Wednesday, May 20

Yesterday vs Today


i just started this blog yesterday...i was cheated yesterday...i'm so damn boring yesterday... but that was yesterday....i start my day with a brand new goal each morning....but it so seldom i may fulfill those hope... like yesterday i got a cheque which i wanted to cash it but i have to wait for three days... i'm so broke yesterday but when my mom call asking whether i still have money or not... stupidly i answered "adalah sikit".... so she is not giving me any until i call her and tell "mom, i'm broke".... so yesterday...what a day...


ari ni masuk office...aku nekad nak call aku tanye abang sorang tu extension ape nak call keluar... but still aku tak call... mcm berat ati nak bgtau mak takde duit... kat office ari ni aku tanye uncle meja sebelah "takde ke keje pape yg bleh dibuat?".... so die ajar aku mcm mane nak gune system eQuest utk btolkan payment yg silap eft and acc no.... yg meletopnye sume yg aku btolkan usm punye payment...there are over than 60 payment yg tertunggak sbb bendahari USM buat keje salah so they cannot key in and sort the payment for which of USM hundreds acc...and then uncle make me call maktab tunku bainun asked for Marina the one who faxed vouchers not according to what uncle demanded...

Tuesday, May 19

saje nak cube

blogging???? dah banyak kali dengar tp kali ni je br tergerak ati nak cube... maklomla aku mcm bute IT sikit... tak terdedah sgt dgn benda2 mcm ni... lg satu aku takde benda pon nak tulis... tp there must be a 1st time... so why don't i just give it a shot... paling tidak pon ape yg terbuku kat ati aku end somewhere... rather than killing myself from inside those hate... better to express it in this unique way...
1stly aku nak bgtau prinsip pemikiran brain work like this...i try my hardest to make my life interesting but there maybe time i failed but then i realised not me judging is my life interesting enough... it's those around me keep saying "ok la tu"... so eventhough my failure would be seen as interesting so i would only act as if i'm happy with that...

Intro; Internship

2 minggu lepas aku start internship kat butterworth....tension setiap ari seberang laut naik feri tapi g office tak buat ape2....macam membazir aku mintak tukar kat branch pulau...start minggu ni aku pon lapor diri kat sini.... pikirkan ok tapi same je.... macam tu jugak...aku tak tau camne company ni bleh amik org praktikal sedangkan permenant staff die pon macam tak cukup keje...menyembang tak habis dari pagi smpi ptg...cukup mase punch card... balik...macam tak rase bersalah makan gaji bute... eventhough all the staff are like that...the company are amang top 10 company in Malaysia... how come? sebabnya... nak tak nak suke tak suke...product of this company are basic need of malaysian...hopefully korang bleh teka la company my advised if korang nak internship just to fullfill the requirement then apply la company ni.... for sure dapat... aku berani kerat jari...